Augmented reality

Enable AR onto your website, send links via email or integrate onto social media. Simply scan the QR code to launch on supported iPhone / iPad or Android devices.


3D reconstruction of large objects to small carvings from a video or series of images.

3D rendering

Images created to mimic photographs or videos with careful attention to detail such as timber, paint or fabric. Illustrations for technical or presentation purposes shown as; lines, shaded, with textures or any permutation of these.

In browser 3D

In browser 3D enables your customers to view your products in 360°. Where you have products available in more that one finish or material, this can be easy customised. 3D models can be genearted by photogrammetry or from scratch.

Subdivision mesh & NURBS modelling

Generation of 3D models for presentation & marketing purposes. Accurate NURBS modelling for CNC and as part of the workflow to create accurate technical drawings. Full support for AutoCAD solid and surfaces.


DWG technical & working drawings, space plans and for CNC.

Software development

Provided as both a direct service and as a means to increase productivity, we create software that will save you and your team time & money.